> Bea Gustavsson -

Bea Gustavsson

Dans, mys, musikal, musik och allmänt sjuka citat.

Put yer tongue away, it looks disgustin hangin out, all pink and naked.

Kommentarer (1)

2010-02-28 @ 21:06:05

Litet fint kulturtips: A Hard Day's Night. En svartvit, 87 minuter lång Beatles-film. Helt underbar film gjord året 64 med Richard Lester som regissör. Det är The Beatles första film som visar en "typisk" dag i deras liv. Hur typisk den är vet jag inte, men otroligt underhållande. Vad säger ni om Lennon i badkaret lekandes med båtar, han blev torperad om ni ville veta det.
Filmen har ett snabbt tempo som vi är vana vid idag men på den tiden var det ju helt revolutionerande! Kan ni tänka er att vara bland de första med något inom filmvärlden?!!

Bara för att jag älskar IMDb! xD Och för att citat är det bästa som finns!

: I don't snore.
George: You do, repeatedly.
Ringo: Do I snore, John?
John: Yeah, you're a window-rattler, son.
Ringo: That's just your opinion. Do I snore, Paul?
Paul: With a trombone hooter like yours, it would be unnatural if you didn't.
Grandfather: Now, Paulie... don't mock the afflicted.
Paul: Ah, come off it, it's only a joke!
Grandfather: Aye, it may be a joke to you, but it's his nose. He can't help having a hideous great hooter! And his poor little head, trembling under the weight of it!

John: [John is combing a fake beard in the mirror; girlish voice] My name's Betty.

[the Beatles are late for a rehersal]
T.V. Floor Manager: They'll be here.
T.V. Director: Yes, well, if they aren't on this stage in precisely thirty seconds there'll be trouble? Do you hear me? Trouble.
[exactly three seconds after he stops speaking, the Beatles calmly amble on stage]
John: [to director] Standin' around, hey? Some people have it dead easy.

Norm: Shake, take that wig off! It suits you.

T.V. Director: Get me a bottle of milk and some tranquilizers. I see it all now, it's a plot... a plot...

Reporter: How did you find America?
John: Turned left at Greenland.

: Has success changed your life?
George: Yes.
Reporter: Are you a mod or a rocker?
Ringo: Um, no. I'm a mocker.
Reporter: Do you think these haircuts have come to stay?
Ringo: Well, this one has. You know, it's stuck on good and proper now.
Reporter: What would you call that hairstyle you're wearing?
George: Arthur.

Reporter: What do you call that collar?
Ringo: A collar.

: Do you often see your father?
Paul: No, actually, we're just good friends.


Postat av: Annie

hahah de var roliga^^

2010-03-01 @ 21:22:01
URL: http://theemperor.blogg.se/

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