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Bea Gustavsson

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2010-01-21 @ 15:34:21

Här kommer fler kuliga citat. Och, JA! Ni måste läsa alla! xD

So which of you would make the best vampire in real life?

Somerhalder: Definitely me.
Dobrev: I agree.
Wesley: Ian does have hypnotic eyes. But Nina, I thought you were convinced I’m really a vampire?
Dobrev: Ian has this vampire quality, but Paul has fangs. [Wesley shows off his pointy canines.] And he just appears places and he’s very brooding.

Actors always love to play baddies. Are either of you a little jealous Ian gets to play the devilish Damon?
Dobrev: I’m lucky because I get to play two characters: sweet Elena and Katherine, who’s a crazy bitch.

Bloodsucking aside, which of these guys would Nina go for in real life?
Dobrev: I would take Defan—the other brother.
Somerhalder: Or Stamon!
Dobrev: Or Stamon, who has qualities of both, who is sweet and nurturing but has an edge, and can be fun and crazy at times.

How much of you is in your onscreen alter egos?
Somerhalder: I love eating and killing people.
Wesley: And I hunt for little animals to eat in the woods. No!
Somerhalder: Damon has a lust for life like I do. But he’s also essentially a lonely guy. I know what it’s like to be lonely.
Wesley: What Ian and I have in common with each other and our characters is that we both left home so young. I was on my own and working in New York at 16. I just didn’t fit into my town.
Somerhalder: I left my house the week after my 16th birthday.
Dobrev: I was barely 17 when I left home. It helps me relate to Elena, who was forced to take care of her brother when her parents died.

You seem like a very close cast. Tell us something fun about yourselves and each other.
Wesley: My real last name is Wasilewski. I lived in Poland when I was younger.
Dobrev: I was born in Bulgaria. We share that, growing up different.
Wesley: I do have a major issue with Nina’s obscenely loud gum chewing.
Dobrev: He hides gum from me!
Somerhalder: Paul texts so loud!
Wesley: The clicking would drive Ian insane. Now I have an iPhone.
Dobrev: Ian adopted a cat in Hawaii.
Somerhalder: I found him on the beach on the set of Lost.

Here’s what the producers said about each of you. “We’ll all be working for Nina someday. She’s a smart businesswoman and knows what she wants.”
Somerhalder: We already do!
Dobrev: I am a Capricorn—I am stubborn. And driven.

“Paul is a thoughtful, heady guy who really works to get inside his roles.”
Wesley: I take ownership of that.

And lastly, “Ian comes vampire ready. He looks you in the eye and makes you do whatever he wants.”
Somerhalder: [Laughs] I try.
Wesley: So Ian gets the only cool accolade? Nina’s organized but a bossy beeyotch. Paul sits there and sulks, but Ian has a major power. Thanks, guys! Interestingly, I’ve played far more characters that are similar to Damon than to Stefan.
Somerhalder: None of my previous characters ever had fun. Boone from Lost was such a wimp. He

How many times have you said, “Our source material predates ‘Twilight’”?
Somerhalder: About 479! Paul and I saying over and over again, “We’re not Edward Cullen” helps, too.
Wesley: People ask me if I’m in “Twilight,” and I’m like, “I don’t do this to look like a vampire! I’ve had this hairstyle for 10 years.”

Were you vampire fans before you joined the show?
Somerhalder: I’m from New Orleans, so I grew up with Anne Rice.
Dobrev: “Interview With a Vampire”—Brad Pitt with fangs, what’s better than that?
Somerhalder: Ian Somerhalder and Paul Wesley with fangs!really didn’t have much power. That’s what drew me to Damon.


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