> Bea Gustavsson -

Bea Gustavsson

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2010-10-29 @ 23:00:31

The Volturi show up. All hell breaks loose.

ARO: Give us the child.
EDWARD: Never!
ARO: Do it, or else you will die!
JACOB: You can't take my love away from me!
ARO: Um…and who are you?
JACOB: I'm Jacob, the shoeless werewolf!

[Marcus leans over to Aro and whispers something and points to Jacob]

ARO: Ewwww! Really? Ewww! That's, like, insane!
JACOB: I love her.
ARO: This is perverted freak fan-fiction. We should kill you on general principle. You love a baby? A baby? Really?
JACOB: It's not like that. I will love her like a daughter until she is mature enough to mouth kiss me—
ARO: Enough! Marcus, kill this baby-dater.

[Marcus leans over to Aro and whispers something else]

ARO: I don’t really care if Hilary Duff thinks that guy on Glee is hot. I don’t even watch Glee!
MARCUS: You should. It's corny, but in the best possible way. It's a lot like—
ARO: Silence! Kill the shoeless one. And the other Volturi, whose names I forget, go kill the Cullens!
QUIL: My girlfriend and I had a fight. She wanted Legos. I think Legos are too sharp, and so I got her Duplo Blocks. She's not happy.
JACOB: My girlfriend just discovered her toes.


Postat av: Annie

Roligt, roligt ^^

2010-10-30 @ 14:05:33
URL: http://theemperor.blogg.se/

Postat av: Olivia

Det här är så jävla bra. Bättre än Twilight. Vad är Twilight? Godnatt! :)

2010-10-31 @ 23:56:08
URL: http://oliviamorell.blogg.se/

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