> Bea Gustavsson -

Bea Gustavsson

Dans, mys, musikal, musik och allmänt sjuka citat.

Okej, det här är illa...

Kommentarer (2)

2010-09-16 @ 22:40:53

Dear Bread,
I want you inside me.
Sincerely, Toaster.

Dear Dinosaurs,
That looks fun, can I join you?
Sincerely, Meteor.

Dear Anorexics,
We don't like you either.
Sincerely, Food.

Dear Vegetarians,
Please stop eating all our food.
Sincerely, the Animals.

Dear Baha Men,
It was me. I let the dogs out.
Sincerely, sorry...

Dear Amish,
You shouldn't be reading this.
Sincerely, Anonymous.

Dear Alice,
There was LSD in that cake. Just so you know...
Sincerely, The White Rabbit.

Dear Morons,
Please stop pretending to see my face on your toast, IT'S NOT ME!
Sincerely, Jesus.

Dear Vet's office,
Please stop congratulating my owner on having me "fixed." Nothing was broken down there until YOU showed up!!!
Sincerely, The cat.

Dear girls who have been dumped,
There are plenty of fish in the sea... Just kidding! They're all dead.
Sincerely, BP.

Dear Homework,
Game Over.
Sincerely, Facebook

Dear Hurricane that Wiped Out New Orleans,
Thanks for ruining my name forever.
Sincerely, Katrina

Dear Tupac,
You think they're on to us?
Sincerely, Elvis.

Dear Seedless Watermelon,
You're an effing liar.
Sincerely, Produce Buyer.

Dear Humans,
Free alcohol and pizza at my place.
Sincerely, The Zombies

Dear Foreigners,
Of course we ride fat people to school...
Sincerely, Americans.

Dear America,
Can we have our food back please?
Sincerely, The Rest of The World

Dear People,
This is why you can't have nice things!
Sincerely, God.

Dear world,
I'm on a boat. Don't you ever forget it.
Sincerely, Andy Samberg


Postat av: Annie

den var nice :D

2010-09-17 @ 15:17:22
URL: http://theemperor.blogg.se/

Postat av: Annie

Dear Mario,

At least I'm tall enough to get on rollercoaster rides.

Sincerely, Luigi.

2010-09-20 @ 18:19:23
URL: http://theemperor.blogg.se/

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