
Jag bojkottar internet lite granna just nu....


Bilder... Eller någonting...

raavennn:  OH MY FUCKING GOD

when sleeping, otters hold hands so they don’t drift apart.

fuckingvulgar:  sea otters hold hands when they sleep, so they don’t drift away from each other.

 want this. every day. illbeyourhappy:  xstaycold-ahx:  #mylife  Oh look.. IT’S ME.   I LOVE ANDREW GARFIELD. living-death:  ohmoncherie:  Everyone, please direct your attention to Dan’s face. That is all.  ohmygod thecolorofviolence:  <3
(via godnatt, youreacunt)acciomadness-:  -page394:  temptnotadesperateman:  Oh, you guise…  Forever reblog.  This is relevant. intertwinewithme:  (by Laura Gommans) shipwreckd:  Yogi Bear (by bryan.everett85) amymalcho:  yanilavigne:  haha..ftw.  OH CUTE ^.^ ariiadne:  always reblog ^-^ billweasley-:  living-death:  Dan, you awkward child<3  he reminds me so much of my best guy friend, he is just like him littlemissdorkette:  living-death:  Ron: It doesn’t just turn off lights. I don’t know how it works, but Christmas morning, I was sleeping in this little pub, keeping away from some Snatchers. And I heard it. Harry: It? Ron: A voice. Your voice, Hermione. It cut me out of it. Hermione: And what exactly did I say, may I ask? Ron: My name. Just my name. Like a whisper. So I took it, clicked it, and this tiny ball of light appeared. And I knew, sure enough, it floated toward me, the ball of light. And right into my chest. Straight through me. Right here.    WILL REBLOG FOREVER. I DONT EVEN CARE.  Just before he says “Right here”… GOD!
missalicekelly:  hnnnng
Perhaps I overdid it... Oh well.

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I piss on you...

Alltså, Svärdet och spiran... Se den. Den är bra. Den har en "häx"kvinna med en son som spelade Angel i Tess of the D'Urbervilles och han spelar mycket bra i denna serie! Den har även Mr. Darcy! Och Donald Sutherland (som också är med i Stolthet och fördom) och Rufus Sewell och Hayley Atwell (hon var med i the Duchess...) och Natalia Wörner (tysk) och, ja ni fattar... Så... Se den!


Ehm, också se?


Ehm, Se?


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